Happy Weekend!

Image: Lonny

Parade of Homes Begins Today!

The Parade of Homes begins today and will be open for the next two weeks.  In the beautiful Rough Hollow community in Lakeway, I can't wait to check out these beautiful homes.

Apple Love

Every year we are treated to a box of apples from my parents friends in Maine.  There's nothing like these beauties.  Free of grocery store wax, crisp, juicy and perfectly ripe.  You can't buy anything like them here in Austin.   I gathered up several apple recipes and started baking.

The first night, I made apple turnovers with Pepperidge Farm puff pastry that I had in the fridge.  I just added a little brown sugar, a dash of cinnamon, cubes of cold butter and diced apple, folded into triangles and baked to golden brown perfection.

Then we baked an apple cake.
And tonight I'm trying Barefoot Contessa's apple and butternut soup. 

• 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

• 2 tablespoons good olive oil

• 4 cups chopped yellow onions (3 large)

• 2 tablespoons mild curry powder

• 5 pounds butternut squash (2 large)

• 1 1/2 pounds sweet apples, such as McIntosh (4 apples)

• 2 teaspoons kosher salt

• 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

• 2 cups water

• 2 cups good apple cider or juice


Warm the butter, olive oil, onions, and curry powder in a large stockpot uncovered over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes, until the onions are tender. Stir occasionally, scraping the bottom of the pot.

Peel the squash, cut in half, and remove the seeds. Cut the squash into chunks. Peel, quarter, and core the apples. Cut into chunks.

Add the squash, apples, salt, pepper, and 2 cups of water to the pot. Bring to a boil, cover, and cook over low heat for 30 to 40 minutes, until the squash and apples are very soft. Process the soup through a food mill fitted with a large blade, or puree it coarsely in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade.

Pour the soup back into the pot. Add the apple cider or juice and enough water to make the soup the consistency you like; it should be slightly sweet and quite thick. Check the salt and pepper and serve hot.

Schumacher's Fall Introductions (my wish list)

L O V E !!!

Browse the full fall line  HERE.

Black and Cozy Lonny

A new Lonny is out.  To check out the full issue, click HERE.  I love Ruthie's tips and that velvet sofa.  Very sexy cozy!

Cakewalk Packaging with Vintage Halloween Tags (An update)

Yesterday was my parents' community church chili supper.  The cake walk is always the highlight of the evening.  I baked cupcakes and picked up half dozen cupcake boxes from Archiver's. They turned out so cute!  Cakewalk Number 2 at my son's school is coming up this Friday and I think I'll bring the same boxes.

DIY!  Find an image you love, print on cardstock, add some sparkles and tie with ribbon.  Happy Wrapping! And Happy Giving!

Holiday Shopping Card time is coming!

Support American Cancer Society and save 20% off on holiday shopping. All of my favorite home decor shops are participating again this year...

...like Back Home (image above), Pottery Barn, Feather Your Nest, Wildflower, Williams-Sonoma, Anthropologie, Breed, Wendow, Shabby Slips, The Container Store and many more.

Buy your card now and get ready to go shopping October 29 -  November 7th!

Vintage Halloween Greetings

I love these vintage Halloween postcards.  I'm going to print these sweet little greetings on cardstock, embellish with glitter and ribbon and use as tie-ons for our elementary school cakewalk goodies.  I'll let y'all know how they turn out.

Hook 'em Horns

In honor of college football's greatest game of the year (Red River Rivalry 2:30 kick off today), I just had to share who has taken over our golf club! Have you ever seen such a humongous inflatable?  Hook 'em Horns!

Happy October!

Isn't this perfectly cozy?  Have a cozy weekend.  Courtesy: Lonny magazine
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